Now working on a short game project for the something awful game making thing, and also working on Super Banana Nababa again. Lots of things going on! Also I should have a new video coming up soon, there's some album art ive made some time ago but never put up the time lapse of it.
(Also in other news last month I quit my day job to go full time freelance/game makin I GUESS THATS ALSO BLOG WORTHY)
Hey! Didnt post anything in a zillion years again.
Heres things that have happened since that:
Made some art for a videoclip:
like this for example: Might add some more of what I made for it there when I got more time
Splash screen ish thing for an indie developper, infiniteDev:
Cover for a game OST soundtrack, Ranger Wars:
Also, THOR on the DS came out some time ago, did a bunch of character animations for it:
And I did pretty much all of the art in this game:
Finally, I made all of the art for this avatar maker app here.
Right now I am currently working on a bunch of small projects. Ive been to the Toronto Game Jam a while ago with The Monster King and weve made a pretty cool game over there, were polishing it up right now, should be out soonish. It involves firefighting!
Also, heres a "making-of" video about a project ive been helping out on for a while now, a game for the progressive metal band Last Chance To Reason. I'm making visual assets for it mostly.
Should have more about this around march. More new things coming soon.
Participated in the Global Game Jam this weekend. It was quite an experience. The game we were working on was RoVo (the splash image was made by Josse Laurendeau Piron, he did a lot of amazing illustrations for the game)
The idea was pretty cool: An RTS where you control a bunch of Robots and try to survive in a post apocalyptic wasteland. You upgrade them by modifying a large factory that produces them. As new robots start coming out of the factory, the past generations of your robot slowly go insane as they realize theyre obsolete, and turn on you, repopulating the battlefield with ever-stronger robots to make your life difficult. A good way to play is to engineer weaknesses in your robots so you can easily dispose of them when they turn on you.
Buuut yeah... in the end we just had a generic RTS engine working. The game was all 3d with lots of cool stuff working, some neat pathfinding... but the final game had no combat, no robot upgrading, so not much from the actual concept. What we did end up with was however very impressive, everyone did an amazing job, the game was just too much for the time we had.
Im pretty happy with the things I made for it though. Here are some of them:
I am horrible at updating this blog I am the champion of not updating things.
To make it up, heres some stuff I've done since!
I am currently working on an entry to the ACTION 52 OWNS activity on Tigsource, a game makin thingy organized by Arthur "Mr. Podunkian" Lee, where 52 developpers remake the 52 awful games from the notoriouslyawfulAction 52videogamecartidge. This 1991 NES game cart was a pack of 52 awful games, half of them almost unplayable, some of them LITERALLY unplayable, all of them riddled with bugs and design problems and glitches. The cart was sold at the outrageous price of 200$. The activity is for individual developpers or small teams to each make a new action 52 game, inspired from games of the original NES cartidge. Some games are still available for developpers on the sign up page. You will need a TIGsource account to sign up, as the process uses your TIGsource member ID.
The game I got was game 27: NON HUMAN. Here is a video of the original:
My own game inspired from it is almost done. I will try to finish it over the holidays, but that wont be easy, cant make promises.... My take on it is a robot warrior going on an action-packed shootin' adventure against horrible mutants and zombies and giant eyes and mouths. The robot, like in the original, can only shoot forward. And like the original, the game is a continuous horizontal path, with no rooms or levels. Here is a video of someone playing through an early build (as well as two other games from the same activity)
You can find a more recent (though still old) build in the TIGsource topic about the activity. I wont post it here until its really done though, I don't want the build to start spreading around before its all wrapped up.
Almost half of the 52 games are finished as of this blog post, check them out!
In other news, I also made a few covers for indie game soundtracks!
You can get the fantastic, free game this soundtrack is for on The Poppenkast Forums. You can get the also free soundtrack itself at the IImusic website.
Thats a cover for the original soundtrack of Super Crate Box, a game by Vlambeer. Heres a recording of me making the right half of the picture:
You can get the fantastic, free game the soundtrack is for at the Super Crate Box Website. You can get the also free soundtrack itself at the IImusic website.
Oi, made this album cover for Norrin Radd's "Anomaly" a few months ago. The album is out now, so I can finally put this up! Also heres a video of the thing being drawn here:
Just got back from a 24 hour web design competition, the webjam. The competition theme was "2012, a survival kit". This is the site we made: And heres the team that did this with me! Matthieu Gadrat and Philippe Trudel Guerbilsky made a wonderful job with the programming, Pierre-Olivier Nantel worked on video and motion design, and I worked on the prints you see in the videos, helped out a little on the filming and made some illustration. Phil and me both worked on the text content. We were coached by Sophie Blondeau, who had some sort of overseer job of checking on us for 10 minutes at every hour and support us. (But she mostly watched episodes of How I met your mother along with the other teams' coaches...)
We won third place! It was fun but there were two horrible 8 hour bus rides and very little sleep. And I have an internship starting tomorrow, too!
Also! I finally got me a domain name and updated my site a little. Ill do some more of that later. I'm thinking I should spruce up the background animation. Like make some alternate background themes that would be picked at random, that would be fun. The new URL is
Finished this giant digital illustration for a contest.
My college has this contest to decide the front page of the next student notebook, thats my entry. Had a lot of fun working on it! You can see a higher resolution version of it here.